The Precious Act of Writing

I offer my thoughts on sharing and writing

On Sharing

Writing has been a deeply cherished dream of mine for the past few years. Not the act of writing, per se, but rather the notion that I can share the insights and experiences from my humble life, however humble it may be.

Sharing valuable insights from life is the most virtuous of all acts, in my opinion. One can gain so much from others’ experiences, including their mistakes. As human beings, we simply aren’t capable of making all the errors out there—some mistakes are not accessible to us. Do you remember seniors telling you the first heartbreak you experienced wasn’t going to be the last one? They are talking from experience, from their own mistakes which you weren’t able to make at the time.

Reading and learning from the mistakes of others is far more approachable. However, this does not necessarily mean that we shouldn’t experience any mistakes in life on our own. On the contrary, some mistakes offer us more beneficial insights if we make them ourselves. Recall the heartbreak example above. If you weren’t emotionally attached in this instance, you wouldn’t appreciate your lover (or the next) as much as you would otherwise.

One other reason why the act of sharing is truly invaluable relates to time. Time is the essense of everything, and in the western culture, it is often thought to be more precious than money is. This view is very well justified, in my opinion—we all are given one life in this world. And we could leave life in any moment. No one can assert, with certainity, that they will live to see another day. For that very reason, every minute you spend on earth is priceless. And by sharing my findings and notes, I will benefit you with more time to yourselves.

On Writing

As rather simplistic primates, who heavily rely on sugar to function, we often tend to forget things, especically if we are hungry. Jerome K. Jerome has a really good quote on this in his Three Men in a Boat:

It is very strange, this domination of our intellect by our digestive organs. We cannot work, we cannot think, unless our stomach wills so. It dictates to us our emotions, our passions.

That is the reason why the act of writing is quite precious to us, as often brought up by my dear professor and advisor, Fırat Başbuğ, to whom I am really grateful for. In Turkish, we even have a great saying about this: “Söz uçar, yazı kalır," the English equivalent of which is “The palest ink is stronger than the sharpest memory,” which I am quite found of as well.

One, for sure, could keep a private notebook about one’s own reflections. In my worldview, however, access to education and knowledge must be made available to anyone free of charge. And that brings us to the creation of this site. And… here we are.

So, I welcome you, my dear readers and future self to the depths of my mind, written from the bottom of my generous heart.

Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Last updated on Jun 17, 2024 00:00 UTC
Deniz's Site: Profound, just like a Sea